Daniel Parr BA, MSTAT

Qualification for an Alexander Technique teacher requires 1600 hours of in-person training, over a period of at least 3 years. Before I started to train to be a teacher in 2017, I’d studied to be an accountant and had a career in corporate investigations.

I initially came to the Alexander Technique to improve my performance in martial arts. I’d experienced what I had I considered to be true mind-body connection during several trips to learn for masters in Hong Kong, but it was only in the Alexander Technique lessons I seen a consistent way to replicate it.

The Alexander Technique has helped me identify unhelpful habits in the way that I move and think, it has changed my life and how I relate with people and the environment in numerous ways, and has been the most valuable learning experience I have encountered. My passion is to pass on the principles of the Technique to as many people as possible, to improve their lives in the way that it has improved mine.

As well as running a busy Alexander Technique practice in Sheffield, I also work with musicians as an Alexander tutor at the Royal Northern College for Music (RNCM) in Manchester. In addition I also act as a regular visiting teacher at the Alexander Teacher Training school in Manchester (MATTS).

I also teach Wing Chun Kung Fu both on a one-to-one basis and in groups. This has given me the opportunity to introduce Alexander ideas to hundreds of people and improve their balance and movement as they learn a difficult skill. When not working I enjoy applying the technique to all other aspects of my life, including playing the guitar and walking.

As a qualified Alexander Technique teacher, I am fully insured and a member of the professional body for Alexander teachers (STAT). I have a current Enhanced DBS certificate and as such can work with children and vulnerable.

Click on the link below to see how I have helped clients.